Mobile Suit Gundam: Requiem for Vengeance HG MS-06F Zaku II (Solari) 1/144 Scale Model Kit

Package Condition Minty Fresh Near Mint Banged Up

The characteristic precise details and shapes of the whole body are reproduced with the parts composition unique to plastic models. The leg movement pipe follows the movement of the foot by providing a movable axis at the joint. By sliding the ribs on the back of the head, the position of the mono eye can be adjusted. The Heat Hawk and Zaku Machine Gun can be suspended on the back via joint parts. The shield on the right shoulder reproduces a high-density detail expression on both the front and back.

  • Build, pose, and display this Gundam: Requiem for Vengeance Zaku II F Type Solari High Grade 1:144 Scale Model Kit!
  • Made of plastic, it includes all the parts you need to assemble a detailed mecha.
  • Add it to your HG Gundam collection!