Puzzled: How to Solve Problems by Picturing Solutions

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by Ned Engel, Ed.D., Ph.D., ABPP, Judy Iacovino, M.A., CAS, Beth Gamble, M.A., CAS, Kimberly Filoia, M.A., CAS, Maria Schmidt, M.A., CAS, and Angela Zizzamia, Ph.D., CAS

Working together, players learn effective problem-solving strategies as they assemble one of four eye-catching jigsaw puzzles.

Before beginning this innovative activity, players are introduced to five specific problem-solving strategies: Reframe It; Do Something Different; Picture the Solution; Stop and Think; and Try Kindness. They use these strategies as they piece together one of four puzzles included with the game. On each turn, a spinner determines which strategy players must use to solve thought-provoking problems posed on a game cards. A good solution earns a puzzle piece that can be added to the work in progress.

This activity not only teaches problem solving but also fosters teamwork and communication. The game format encourages fluid interchange of thoughts, feelings, and concerns, while the communal task of assembling a puzzle promotes trust and cooperation. Noncompetitive and entertaining, this game is a welcome addition to any play therapy collection.

Recommended for up to 6 players, Ages 7 and up

This set of 4 puzzles offers a creative alternative to board games